Seismic Railway Monitoring
Earthquake Monitoring for Railways
Seismic Railway Monitoring
Trains are at very high risk of derailment during and following an earthquake. With high-speed trains today travelling as fast as 300km/h, the distance for emergency braking is often as long as 4-7km (2.5-4.5mi). With such long braking distance it is crucial that trains are stopped or slowed down immediately when an earthquake is detected along the route. An earthquake may deform the rails, creating a highly dangerous situation.
A Seisodin earthquake detection system for railways can help stop a train before it reaches an area with potentially deformed rails.

Seismic Event Capture
By installing a series of interconnected Seisodin Tilia accelerographs along a long train line, it is possible to detect an earthquake, and instantly alarm the train control center. This way the control center can pinpoint the earthquake and stop or slow down all traffic which is headed towards that point until the tracks have been inspected.

Easy to use
The Seisodin Seismic Monitoring System for railways is designed for easy installation, easy operation, low cost of ownership and low maintenance requirements. However, one of the most unique features of the system is how easy it is to understand the data it produces. The system outputs live seismic data, not only as waveforms, but as live seismic intensity (MMI seismic scale). For each earthquake you are able to instantly view where on the rail line it has occurred, and what level of seismic activity was detected. All of this is automatic, and no complicated analysis software is required – giving you an instant overview of the effects of the earthquake.
Seisodin RailQuake Software
Seisodin RailQuake is a software extension to the Tilia seismic accelerographs. The software is tailored for earthquake monitoring along railways, and is able to instantly show where along the line a seismic event has been detected! Combined with the Tilia Control Panel an alarm can be automatically activated for immediate call to action!